Well first day of school was kinda cool. Get to meet my friends back.
Shitty thing was, they exchange the malay canteen. The food sucks now.
And i lost 5 bucks. Stupid punya Roslim. F*cking Sohai !
I gave russell his specs ody. Left jordan's present and patrick's and zeda's and nicole's and marion's.
But everything went well. Despite losing my 5 bucks.
I clean my study table also. Stick the timetable on my table.
Things i notice when i came back :
- jordan got taller
- russell got bald again
- patrick got weirder in a good way
- joshua got thinner
- darryl remember to pinch my nose ( and i don't know why )
- izzal gave a me a gift from jakarta
- abraham got fatter
- no more prasad
- james didn't cut hair
- daryl got whiter
Well that's that.
ciao peeps :D
Excellent work! Good Morning!!!
I dont know when I can get mine :/
hey, i've changed my blog url, please relink me, its http://zaedadelilahapril.blogspot.com
wtf??!!!david santos??!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!SHIT!
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